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Here's a bunch of mp3 files that sort of spans my punk rock musical career so far. The most recent bands are at the top of the list. For the most part, I played drums. Once in a while I sang. Anyway, please enjoy the tracks, they're all free to download... collect 'em all, trade 'em with your friends!
Legions In Exile - Welcome To ParadiseLegions In Exile (L.i.E)
Small history lesson here: Way back in 1990, Roger moved to Phoenix and started jamming with Alloy in shitty little punk rock band that actually opened for Green Day when they were still high school nobodies. Green Day of course went on to become the Green Day we all know today, but the band Alloy and Roger were jamming in sort of fizzled out of existence and they eventually went their separate ways. Now, fast forward to 2007 when Alloy contacted Roger out of the blue and asked him to drum in his newest project, Legions In Exile. Roger accepted the offer, and they had a good run there for a while. Unfortunately, Roger had to quit the band after a couple of years due to financial issues, but part of the end result is here. Give it a listen...

Dumb Slut

You Don't Know Me
video - The Slumber Party
Black44 - Live At 25Black44
It started as sort of a joke between four coworkers (working as stagehands) shouting band name ideas around on the loading dock... The name Black44 kind of stuck, and they decided to start a band based on that. It was always more of a hobby than a real band and eventually fizzled because of work issues. All four guys still work as stagehands, are still friends, and still keep in touch with each other. Hey, does the logo look familiar? Well, it should... The IATSE bug can be found in the credits of almost all movies and TV shows. Black44 simply fucked it up a bit since they were, after all, stagehands.

44 Second Delay

Six Feet Under
To War

Grissle - A La CarteGrissle/Total Fury - split 7 inchGrissle
Grissle is one of those bands that should have been bigger than they were... They wrote a butt load of good quality punk rock music, but never gained much of an audience during their seven year run. However, there's talk of getting the band back together, so we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Meanwhile, here's some punk rock music for you!

Fast Food

Force Versus Power
I Like Corn

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers

Pull The Pope's Pants Down
video - UFO / Break On Through
SiC - Get Up And Do ItV/A - KakumeiSiC - IncompleteSiC
For having a mere three year run, SiC produced a ton of quality punk rock music... The bulk of the tracks here have been culled from the "Incomplete" CD which is made up of both official recordings and previously unreleased material. The whole concept behind "Incomplete" was to sort of beat the bootleggers at their own game. Also, a few tracks here are from the "Get Up And Do It" EP, which has yet to be released again due to some convoluted copyright issues. Please enjoy!

Couch Potato

Damn Christians
Don't Tell Me
Easy To Be Selfish
Get Up And Do It
I Don't Wanna
Put It In Your Eye
Real Deal
Turn It Off
Ugly Today
Waiting For You
What A Way To Go
video - Peace Punk
Dead Cops - Kill The CopsDead Cops
Okay, much has been written about this very short lived band that existed for about nine months back in 83/84... The main thing is that almost all of the members went on to have fairly successful underground music careers. Tatsu went on to play guitar in Gastunk, Jha Jha went on to sing in Lip Cream, and Roger's probably the reason you're visiting this website in the first place. All three tracks here are from the "Kill The Cops" 7 inch flexi from ADK records. This disc has been out of press for decades, and it's very collectable in the right circles. There's also a bootleg CD floating around out there that's also fairly collectable, but if you simply want to here the music, these three tracks here are yours to download for free. Your'e welcome.

Death To The Rich

I Hate Work
Kill The Cops

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